Myths About Basic Dental Care

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Myth: Bleeding Gums are Not a Problem

Fact: In some cases, bleeding gums are a sign that you have brushed too hard. However, this can be a sign of gum disease. That is why if your gums are bleeding, then you will need to see a local dentist as soon as possible. Gum disease can be treated easily if it is caught in the early stages.

Myth: Fruit Juice is Good for Your Teeth

Fact: Fruit juice is filled with vitamins. However, it is not good for your teeth. In fact, fruit juice can be just as bad for your teeth as sodas. It is better for you to eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.

Myth: A Knocked-out Tooth is Lost Forever

Fact: It is possible to save a knocked-out tooth. However, quick action has to be taken. Putting milk in a tooth can save it. You can also save the tooth back in its original socket. The sooner you get to the dentist, the sooner your top rated dentist can reattach it.

Myth: Medications Have no Effect on Oral Health

Fact: There are many things that can affect oral dental health including medication. Certain medication can cause dry mouth. This can cause bacteria to grow, which can lead to tooth decay. That is why you should check the side effects of your medication. You may need to take another medication or be switched to another dosage.